
What is it?

A strawberry is both a low-growing, flowering plant and the name of the fruit that it produces. Strawberries are soft, sweet, bright red berries. They're also delicious! Strawberries have tiny edible seeds, which grow all over their surface. When ripe, strawberries smell wonderful and taste even better. We get our strawberries from Yakima Berry Company FRESH as soon as they come into season around late May/early June.

What does it taste like?

We may think strawberries are sweet because they taste sweet, but a good portion of that “sweet” perception comes from the aroma and flavor! The freshest and tastiest strawberries are a fragrant bouquet of esters, with flavor notes ranging from pineapple to tree fruit such as apple and pear.

What to do with it?

What can you do with a bunch of fresh strawberries? The options are endless! You can toss them into a fruit salad, serve them as a topping for pancakes, or simply eat them straight-up. You can even freeze strawberries for a refreshing smoothie!

How to store it?

The best way to keep your strawberries staying fresh for as long as possible is simple. Put unwashed strawberries in an airtight lid in your fridge and they can stay fresh for 2-3 weeks! If you ever notice one or more strawberries turning bad remove it from the jar immediately.