Fava Beans

What is it?

Fava beans are large, flat, edible, beans that are typically pale green to a whitish color. They grow in big, bumpy green pods and are harvested in the spring or summer. The beans themselves are large and flat and have a clear skin that typically is removed before eating. Fava beans can be eaten raw, blanched, or cooked.

What does it taste like?

Though they look like lima beans, fava beans are less starchy and have a milder taste. Fava beans are creamy, earthy, nutty, slightly sweet, and slightly bitter. Some people also say they resemble a slight cheesy flavor.

What to do with it?

Dried fava beans can be saved and stored until being used to make things like soups, pastes, and sauces. However, fava beans can also be enjoyed fresh in a wide variety of ways. Sautee, boil, steam, or fry them to eat as a side dish, or incorporate the raw beans into salads or pestos.

How to store it?

Keep unwashed, unshelled fava beans in a sealed plastic or paper bag in the fridge to keep them tasting fresh for up to ten days. If you wish to store fava beans year-round, dry or dehydrate them and store in a dark, cool place.