Broccoli Rabe

What is it?

Broccoli rabe is a green cruciferous (of the cabbage family) vegetable with leaves, buds, stems, and occasionally small yellow flowers that are all edible. The buds somewhat resemble broccoli but do not form a large head, and look like a cross between turnip greens and traditional broccoli. It is particularly associated with Mediterranean cuisine.

What does it taste like?

Though broccoli rabe’s flavor does resemble traditional broccoli, it tends to be more bitter. The leaves taste similar to turnip greens, as well closely resembling mustard greens. The level of bitterness depends on how it is prepared.

What to do with it?

You will find broccoli rabe incorporated into many Italian and Mediterranean recipes like different pastas, soups, and salads. It can also be prepared as a side dish to a very hearty main course because its bitterness counteracts heavily savory and salty flavors. If you want your broccoli rabe to not have as bitter of a flavor, blanch it before preparing for any recipe.

How to store it?

Store broccoli rabe in the fridge lightly wrapped in a plastic bag or wrap, making sure not to seal the bag or completely wrap because it needs to be slightly exposed to an airflow. Keep broccoli rabe in your crisper drawer until using, this will make it last up to 5 days.