Bok Choy

What is it?

Bok Choy, also called white Chinese cabbage, belongs to the leafy vegetable pak choi family of Chinese brassicas. Bok Choy has white or green, thick, crunchy stems with light to dark green wide leaves.

What does it taste like?

Bok choy, also known as pak choi, is a crunchy, emerald green cabbage that has a subtle "cabbagey" flavor that can sometimes taste like celery, and is packed full of vitamins.

What to do with it?

Bok choy has some great nutritional benefits and goes well in many dishes. You can cut up and saute it, roast it, add it to stir fry dishes or soups, eat it raw, cut it into coleslaws and salads, or add it to smoothies. Try slicing it in half lengthwise, toss in olive oil and roast it at 450 degrees for about 15-20 minutes.

How to store it?

Place in the fridge crisper drawer and use within 3 days. If planning to store longer, wrap in a moist paper towel before placing it in the crisper drawer.